Attention to detail

Attention to detail

At Carrygolf we are meticulous and even to stick a simple sticker, we use a guide for a perfect alignment and placement.

More about us

At the moment, most of the electric golf trolleys that are sold in Spain come from China. There is a belief that some Chinese products do not meet the highest standards of quality and reliability and some dealers try to disguise where their products are manufactured.

At Carrygolf some of the components of our trolleys have also been imported from China, others are designed and manufactured in Spain. However Carrygolf build their trolleys with new components and our own technology.

For two years, the Department of Research and Developement of Carrygolf, formed by the engineer Josep Serra,  has applied for a multitude of patents for brands Motorcycle GAS GAS and OSSA. This together with the support of golfers, who have helped to test our products, has enabled Carrygolf to design and develop new components that will improve the quality and reliability required of the better golfer.

It is our goal that eventually all the parts will be made in Spain.

The result of all these processes put the quality and specifications of  our trolleys at the high-end of the electric trolley market while maintaining competitive prices.                     



The toughness and reliability of our products are the result of the process of research, design, development, testing, manufacturing and assembly of our handcrafted golf trolleys.

The construction of the aluminum chassis, stainless steel screws and plastics of high quality, stand the test of time without obvious symptoms of fatigue or rust.

Carrygolf offers a  two year warranty on our golf trolleys and a  1 year warranty on its lithium-ion batteries.


Carrygolf only uses lithium batteries.

Its weight of just 1.5 kg and allows the player to carry it comfortably . It will last for 36 holes on  conventional courses. Its lifetime is estimated between 3 and 6 years.


Sales, Service and Technical Assistance

Our goal is your satisfaction in the use of our products. For this reason we work hard to improve every day.

You can buy your Carrygolf on this website and it will be delivered to your home, or if you wish, you can come to our showroom where you can try our golf trolleys and receive all the information you need from our technicians.

You will receive an instruction manual  showing the full specifications of the trolley.

Carrygolf has technicians and mechanics to solve any problem or question about your golf trolley, as well as accessories and spare parts for all the pieces.

You can contact us by phone, email or visit us at our company in Santa Coloma de Farners.



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